August 12, 2024

Featured Falcons: Chris Stewart

Crimson Tide sports fans know Chris Stewart’s voice; he’s been calling men’s basketball games at The University of Alabama for more than 20 years. Now, 他拿起麦克风,开始了他的新工作,担任阿拉巴马州橄榄球赛的首席实况转播播音员——这是他从小就想要的工作. Chris Stewart

“It’s a childhood dream come true,” the Fairfield native said. “我有很多从小就认识我的朋友,他们都为我感到激动. 他们笑着说,‘你在小学的时候真的说过这个.’”

Before donning the crimson and white in his career, 斯图尔特作为男子高尔夫球队的候补队员,穿着澳门在线赌城娱乐的紫金球衣. 作为伯明翰中央公园基督教学校毕业班的致悼词者, 他获得了全额学费奖学金,这是密歇根大学向该州任何一所高中的致告别辞和致告别辞的学生提供的奖学金.

正是在这里的砖块上,斯图尔特第一次尝试着做实况转播. 这位大众传媒专业的学生全身心地投入到提供实践经验的课程中, such as a news production class where students wrote, produced and did the technical work on a weekly newscast called MCS News, 以及一个体育制作班,在大学拥有的当地有线电视频道上播放男子和女子家庭篮球比赛.

斯图尔特说:“在我参加的第一场比赛中,我就爱上了详细解说比赛. “I had encouragement from my professor Dr. Bill Duke, who was so good to me and had such a great impact on me. That was a real springboard for me to get started.”

Stewart also served as sports editor for the Montage and The Alabamian, 他是校园电视台的体育总监,也是距离卡莱拉校园大约10分钟路程的一家小型广播电台的体育总监.

“I was very grateful for the opportunities they gave me at Montevallo,” he said. “在我开始像现在这样在更多人面前犯错之前,我有很多机会在一些非常小的观众面前犯很多错误.”

After earning his bachelor’s degree in 1992, Stewart’s career path took him through various radio, 他在电视和报纸上的职位——他最早为《澳门在线赌城娱乐》杂志接受的任务之一是采访约翰·福尼, former voice of the Crimson Tide. 斯图尔特表示,他真的很想成为一名实况转播的播音员,并问福尼是否可以寄给他一盘他的工作磁带来审查.

斯图尔特说:“他大方地答应了,几周后给我回了电话。. “He told me he thought I really had a future in it and to keep working. And now I have the job that John Forney had for about 30 years.”

Stewart later landed at Birmingham-Southern College, where he spent eight years as the radio announcer for basketball. 他在阿拉巴马州开始了他的职业生涯,在深红潮体育网络电台播报棒球,自2002年以来一直担任男子篮球的声音. During this time, 他还曾担任CTSN电台报道赤潮足球的副业记者和“尼克·萨班秀”的电视主持人.”

Stewart’s extensive sportscasting experience and accolades speak for themselves. In 2009, 澳门大学全国校友会授予他娜塔莉·莫尔顿·吉本斯校友成就奖. 斯图尔特于2021年入选UM体育名人堂,并于2022年在UM秋季毕业典礼上担任主旨演讲嘉宾. 他还五次被全国体育媒体协会评为阿拉巴马州年度体育播音员.

As announced in February, Stewart is entering this football season as the new voice of the Crimson Tide, 接替长期担任阿拉巴马州体育播音员的伊莱·戈尔德-斯图尔特在2022年顶替戈尔德,当时戈尔德因健康问题缺席,并在2023年负责公路比赛. 他致力于继承前任播音员所设定的标准,并对社区的积极回应和支持表示感谢.

“没有别人以某种方式的帮助,你不会完成任何事情,也不会得到任何真正的机会,” he said. “我知道很多人以不同的方式影响了我的生活,我很感激他们. 我很高兴他们能参与其中,和我一起庆祝, because I wouldn’t be able to do it without them.”

Having called Alabama football games before, Stewart’s excitement isn’t so much about his new title, but about the upcoming season in general. He’s looking forward to the first Alabama-Oklahoma Southeastern Conference game, the match-up against Wisconsin and the Alabama-Tennessee game at Neyland Stadium.

“That’s always a special opportunity,” he said. “And even though I’ve done several of them, you never take getting a chance to call the Iron Bowl for granted. 所以,有很多,希望有几场季后赛和一个全国冠军. That would be really special.”