



An international or domestic program in which students are able to attend a school in a country outside or inside of the United States and receive academic credit toward their major. 为嗯, 包括学术交流, 全国学习交流, faculty-led旅行, 以及通过第三方附属机构组织的海外项目, 比如海外国际研究.


一个允许学生在美国大陆的主办机构获得学分的国内项目.S.关岛、波多黎各和加拿大. The NSE (全国交换生) is the main study away option available to UM students and is a good option for students who are looking for a change of place, 但谁也不愿出国.


资格要求取决于学生参加的课程. 例如, 学业成绩良好,累计GPA不低于2分的学生.5分或以上(4分).0等级)的交易所才有资格参与印度证券交易所. (请注意,有些项目或机构甚至要求累积GPA达到3分.0). 除了, students should have no incomplete grades from previous terms and a clear conduct code record (unless the offense can be deemed minor and not recent). It is best to speak to the Falcon Success Center to determine your eligibility to participate in a study away program.


No. 有很多机会不仅仅局限于外语沉浸体验. 学生应该仔细阅读每个项目,以确定教学语言.


熟练程度会有所不同, 所以最好是核实一下你正在考虑申请的特定项目. Most programs that are non-English speaking for the language of instruction will suggest that your proficiency levels be adequate enough to allow you to stay up with your coursework.


All UM students who participate in a study away program must complete the Course Approval Form and secure all required signatures before leaving for their trip. 信用不能追溯担保. Students should work closely with their academic advisor to determine course equivalencies and ensure academic progress.


It is important for students to work with their academic advisors to select courses that make satisfactory progress towards their academic degree. All students should confirm with their advisor that they will not miss critical or required home courses (Senior Seminar, 等.)在他们出国/外出期间.


每个课程的费用将根据课程长度而有所不同, 位置, 以及一个特定项目的后勤. 对于大多数国际或留学旅行持续大约一个月, 你可能要付几千美元的学费加上食宿费. 国内节目(NSE), for example) can be a more affordable option overall and allow students to stay at their host institution a full term up to an academic year. 额外费用,比如机票, 特别的餐点和游览, 在考虑成本时,还应包括其他相关费用.


The following programs typically allow a UM student to apply scholarship funds to pay for tuition: the Dortmund and Telecom academic exchanges, 澳门大学教师带领的旅行, 及国家交换生计划(只适用于B计划). 其他通过海外留学机构(ISA等)获得的机会.)和A计划的国家学生交换通常不允许学生申请澳大奖学金. 大多数学生都可以选择学生贷款, but all students should consult with the Student Financial Services office since each is determined case by case: (205) 665-6050.


澳门大学没有设立专门的海外留学奖学金, 不过也有一些奖学金可以通过海外留学联盟(ISA)获得, 如果, 阿卡迪亚大学, 及IAU学院). Students are encouraged to explore any scholarship opportunities for the affiliate they plan to attend a program through.


许多学生将在大二或大三期间出国留学, though some can even go during the beginning of their senior year if their remaining course flexibility allows it. Some majors (such as education) will be limited due to the need to complete critical classes or courses that are not offered on rotation each semester. Students should consult closely with their academic advisor and the Falcon Success Center to ensure that participation will not interfere with normal academic progress. Students should also be aware of the start and end dates of all programs abroad/away to make sure that they coincide rather than conflict with those of UM.


如果你想出国留学/出国学习语言, 你要考虑哪些国家或地区有你想学的语言. Keep in mind that Puerto Rico and Canada with the 全国交换生 will also allow you to have intensive experiences in Spanish and French. 非语言沉浸体验, 你需要认真考虑你的旅行目标是什么,以及这些目标与地点的关系. 例如, some students will select a place that they may consider moving to later or want to establish professional connections in for future work or study.


你应该参与的原因有很多, but these are the most generally agreed upon: it’s a great resume or CV builder since only a small portion of U.S. students study abroad/away; it can help you to acquire a job after graduation since it shows you are adaptable and globally geared; it allows you to take unique coursework that is not offered at your home institution; it enables you to build self-confidence, 独立, and a greater awareness of yourself; it allows you to make friends and try foods in new places domestically and internationally; it gives you a chance to see the world and radically change your perspective and appreciate other cultures.


Each application process will be different and most application processes are accessible on the individual tabs from the home page of this website. Students will need to work with the Falcon Success Center before proceeding with application to ensure they are fully eligible for study away.


这取决于具体的学习计划. 不受国际留学旅行(学术交流)的限制, faculty-led旅行, 以及通过澳门大学附属机构出国留学). 国家学生交换项目, students can participate for up to an academic year and may even participate consecutively after a summer abroad.


是的, as long as the program is run through an accredited institution that course credit can be guaranteed to transfer back from. Students considering a program not found on this website should run the selection past their academic advisor and the Falcon Success Center to ensure credibility of the program and institution facilitating it.